Voice Search Developer Resources

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If you’re looking to develop applications for voice-activated platforms, check out the following resources to get started:

Voice search developing for Siri

SiriKit – Apple Developer – This is the developer page for SirKit, which “enables your iOS apps and watchOS apps to work with Siri, so users can get things done using just their voice.” Use the resources on this site to develop apps that work with Siri.

SiriKit Documentation – This is Apple’s developer page which contains SiriKit documentation you can use to handle user requests for your Siri or Maps application services.

Voice search developing for Google Assistant

Actions on Google – This is the homepage for Actions on Google, a developer platform “that lets you create software to extend the functionality of the Google Assistant, Google’s virtual personal assistant, across more than 500 million devices, including smart speakers, phones, cars, TVs, headphones, watches, and more.”

Actions on Google – Overview – This page points you to detailed guides on developing for the Actions on Google platform.

Google Assistant SDK for devices – Overview – Check this page for a detailed overview of the Google Assistant SDK. It contains info on the SKD components, prototypes, as well as a developer preview and roadmap.

Voice search developing for Alexa

Amazon Alexa (developer.amazon.com) – This is the developer website for Amazon Alexa. In it, you’ll find out lots of info on what you can build with Alexa and the various Alexa programs out there.

Alexa Skills Kit – According to Amazon, the “Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) is a collection of self-service APIs, tools, documentation, and code samples that makes it fast and easy for you to add skills to Alexa.” This site is home to all things ASK so that you can learn, design, build, and launch your skill.

Amazon Developer Documentation – Go to this website to get various Alexa resources (i.e., ASK, custom skills, skills for Echo Show, Alexa Voice Service, etc.). You can also check out Alexa on Github, submit your Alexa skills, and do live app testing through this site.

Voice search developing for Cortana

Microsoft Cortana Dev Center – Looking to develop for Cortana? This site is the best place to start. It contains the latest news, as well as samples and documentation to let you create Cortana skills.

Cortana Dev Center – Devices – This site gives you the need-to-know info for building a Cortana device. Sign up to learn how to create a voice-enabled device or check out the Cortana Devices SDK using Microsoft’s sample for the Raspberry Pi.

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