Voice Search SEO

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If you’re in the SEO or online marketing space, these resources will teach you how to incorporate voice into your digital marketing strategy.

John Mueller at BrightonSEO (video) being interviewed by Hannah Smith of Verve Search regarding “voice search” for SEO and why more insights around voice search are not available to webmasters (it’s not as easy as you think).

Speakable Schema Markup – Google launches speakable Schema markup for the latest news.

Aleyda Solís Optimize for Voice Search – Presentation from Learn Inbound conference.

SEO Strategy for Voice Search in Shopping – part 3 of a series on mobile indexing, Cindy Krum details ways you leverage your SEO strategy for voice search shopping era.

Does Voice Search and/or Conversational Search Change SEO Tactics or Strategy? – Whiteboard Friday – Here’s an excellent Whiteboard Friday video “about voice search, conversational search, Internet of things search, and how these attributes and the rise in these trends may or may not play a big role in our SEO strategy and tactics for the future.” In the video, Rand Fishkin looks at voice search from both a strategic and tactical standpoint and shares his take on what it means for different types of websites.

How Voice Search Will Change Digital Marketing — For the Better – This lengthy article gives a very detailed look at “how voice search will shake things up” in the digital marketing realm. It talks about the five core differences between conversational and text search, then offers actionable takeaways to help you adapt to voice search.

SEO in 2018: Optimizing for voice search – In this articles, Search Engine Land columnist Bryson Meunier discusses why your SEO tactics for voice should vary slightly from your tactics addressing traditional search.

OK, Google: How Do I Optimize My Site for Voice Search? – This meaty post has it all: an overview of voice search, why it’s on the rise, and what marketers should do to get a piece of the action. It even has a section on how to optimize your ad campaigns for voice search.

We Analyzed 10,000 Google Home Results. Here’s What We Learned About Voice Search SEO – This data-backed article talks about Backlinko’s findings from analyzing 10,000+ Google Home search results. Specifically, it sheds light on the impact of PageSpeed, HTTPS, and length on voice search results. It also tackles domain authority, social engagement, content, and more.

Are You Optimized for Voice Search? Here’s How to Do It – Here’s a tactical post on optimizing your site for voice. It discusses a bunch of best practices, including targeting long-tail keywords, beefing up your microdata, and monitoring performance, among other things.

How to Optimize Your Ecommerce Site for Voice Search – Specifically written for ecommerce merchants, this post helps online retailers optimize their stores for voice search. In addition to tried-and-true tips, it offers expert insights and pointers to help ecommerce sites dominate voice search.

The Step-By-Step Guide to Testing Voice Search Via PPC – Want to discover voice search opportunities for your business? Purna Virji presents a 5-step process to help you just that. In this post, you’ll learn how to uncover any voice activities for your business, how to extrapolate themes, optimize your campaigns, and more.

Voice Search 101 – This presentation answers the questions of What matters in voice search?, types of Google provided answers, types of featured snippets and How to write for voice search?

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